
About me

Hello! Welcome! I’m Jenni, 40 year old mom of 4, I’m a fitness enthusiast who loves all things fitness.  I love everything from the endorphine high to the yoga pants.  My family, friends and faith come first but being fit helps me live my life to the fullest!  I’ve created this fitness blog in hopes to help anyone looking for simple ways to enjoy life.

Living a fit life is all about self love.  I always get questions about how I manage to stay looking fit and I have to say I keep things simple,  I love to keep life simple!  I have a healthy relationship with food, no restricting diet, and don’t spend hours in the gym.

When seeking weight loss the root of this desire is more than just our looks.  We want to stop feeling sluggish and tired, we want to be able to keep up with our kids, or just not feel so out of breath doing simple tasks, all while being happy and comfortable in our skin.  Fit lives come in all shapes and sizes.   We assume those living in perfect bodies have the perfect happy life we’ve been dreaming of but Happiness does not have a size.   I have felt compelled to have this fitness blog about how simple and intuitive it can be to live a healthy lifestyle and I hope to inspire you to live your best life!

I’m always on a journey to be my best self and have encountered many stumbles along the way.  Those stumbling blocks don’t define us.  Stumbling blocks are the best things that can come our way.  Without our challenges we stop improving.  Overcoming our hurdles pushes us to become more than we thought we could be.  Only you can pick yourself up and continue on your own journey.   Have confidence in yourself and your abilities!

You will find posts here in my blog to help you along your own physical and mental health journey.   Keep finding inspiration, keep learning and keep pushing forward! Most of all, keep your standards high and your squats low! 😉

I’d love to here from you!  Contact me here: