Three Mental Tricks To Give You More Body Confidence and Why You Should Care

I’ve recently learned some skills for confidence in business that totally translate to our confidence with our bodies. These mental tricks to more confidence will not only help you feel more successful in life but will actually help you become more successful in all areas of life.

Allowing your defeated self worth to continue will limit the amount of time that will be available for creating opportunities for success. More time with self hate equals less time living the life you truly want.

It’s time to stop the madness and choose confidence.

Why Choose to be Confident in your Body?

Some may have OK confidence skills but what if your confidence was exceptional? Think of how much more success you would have.

Being thin will never equal happiness. So quit wasting energy and time on diets and start claiming the life you deserve. Being thinner will not make you more worthy or deserving of an amazing life. Visualize the life you think that being thinner will give you and know that that you can have that life at any size!

Here are the mental tricks to more confidence:

1 Turn Your Focus onto Others

By turning your focus onto others I don’t mean start judging others. Focus on the value you can be to everyone you meet. Believe it or not everyone else is only thinking about themselves and no one is thinking about you as much as you are letting yourself believe.

All of your anxiety comes from the internal chaos that is all about you. Stop being self absorbed and focus on the value you have to give to others. This isn’t to be confused with giving until you are depleted. Self care is important.

Consider these:

  • How can you help others grow?
  • Is my message getting through?
  • What is it that you know you can offer in friendship and other personal relationships?
  • How can you show your boss you are worth more money?
  • Why am I holding back my awesomeness when others will benefit from it in some way?
  • Speak up because others will benefit from what you have to say!
  • Teach what you know

Make a mental connection with others who you believe will help you on your journey to more success.

Get inside their head. Surround yourself with more successful confident people, watch what they do, learn from them. Then turn around and give back to others what you have.

People notice confident people no matter the size. Your financial success depends on you confidence in your abilities. Imagine being able to double and triple you income based only on your increased confidence in your body image.

Imagine you didn’t care what anyone thinks about you, because like I said, everyone is really only thinking of themselves and not you anyway. As you become more confident and more successful you may gain some haters but they will never take you down when your focus is on others.

2 Change your State with your Switch

There are many ways you can break your state. If you are feeling low or defeated you need to break that state of mind. Find what works for you. Here are some ideas:

  • Imagine a great white light coming from the sky and the earth right into your body. Imagine filling with power. This power will begin to fill you with energy that can be projected out to others.
  • Make the switch and turn the light on by doing a power move like running up and down the stairs real fast or jumping up and down with your hands in the air.
  • Let out a powerful yell, or sing at the top of your lungs.

Having a power move before you walk out the door, before a presentation, or anywhere you are lacking confidence will break that anxiety and you will walk with tons more confidence.

3 Know your skills

Your lack of confidence comes from lack of preparation. Your confidence will come with competence in your area of expertise. You are dead wrong if you don’t think you have a talent to offer. Get to work developing your talents.

If the skill you are after is being confident in your skin you must practice, practice, practice. Know every pitfall you may come across and be prepared. Practice talking to a mirror or into your camera. If you don’t sound like the fierce confident person you want to be keep practicing until you do.

Even if the only people you see all day are your own little children. They already know you are worth more than anything else on the planet and they will benefit from your confidence in all of your skills.

Don’t miss another Opportunity

You never know what opportunities you will be missing out on by carrying self hate and lack of confidence with you.

What would you do if you had no fear? Imagine living that life and find your community. Get rid of anyone or anything that makes you feel less than.

Quit comparing your body with one that is nothing like yours, that is a recipe for defeat. Find new role models on social media that have your body type and are rocking it and start to rock it along with them.

Live life on purpose.


Goals to Set This Year That Will Change Your Life.