Why I love Intermittent Fasting and how to Make it work for You

I have come to love intermittent fasting! I will answer all your questions about intermittent fasting in this post.  Read on…

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is an eating schedule.  It is not a diet.  The schedule tells you when to eat and when to abstain from all food and drink.  During your eating time you will consume all your days calories.  The schedule doesn’t tell you how or what to eat it but all eating happens in the eating window.

This eating window can vary in length.  You may already be intermittent fasting and not realize there was a term for it.

Protein drink

My Fav: FitMiss Protein Drink

Time schedules may look like this:

  • 12/12: Eat 12 hours then fast 12 hours.  Example: 8am to 8pm eat, 8pm to 8am don’t eat
  • 10/14  Eat 10 hours, fast 14. Example: 9 am to 7pm eat, 7pm to 9 am no eating
  • 8/16 Eat 8 hours fast 16 hours.
  • Another option is to fast 24 hours once a week.

The options go on and on but you get the idea. Sounds simple enough but if you are used to late night snacking or any unconscious eating this will be an adjustment.

What are the benefits? Why would you want to consider this?

I have personally experienced many benefits from intermittent fasting.  This simple strategy allows your digestive system time to do its job in doing that I’ve gained:

  • Mental clarity
  • No more Bloating
  • No more cravings
  • More in tune with what foods my body wants
  • More energy
  • More satisfied with eating “healthy” foods
  • Better sleep
  • Weight loss
  • Better control over food choices

How to be successful

Start slow.  Try fasting 12 hours a day on alternate days if you are new to this. You should NOT feel starving as you fast.  Be sure to eat nutritious foods and all the calories you need for the day during your eating window.  You probably will feel hungry at the times you’d normally eat and uncomfortable in your first few days but you may be surprised how quickly your body will adjust.

Another secret to success is not to be so strict about it that you are missing out on dinners with your girlfriends or family celebrations.  Eat and be social as long as this isn’t every day, once a week is fine.

I always keep water handy in my favorite Hydro Flask but I’ve found benefit in drinking whatever I want.  The key is to only drink during your window.  Some say its OK to drink water during your fasting window and that is a good idea in the beginning.

You need to give your liver the time off so drinking coffee will break your fast.  For me water is also a fast breaker but experiment and see what gives you the best results.

Get your daily routine to be as automatic as possible.  Our bodies  love consistency.  Our minds and bodies encourage us to keep a routine eating schedule but it can be adjusted!

Before intermittent fasting I woke up starving in the morning, would snack a lot, and I liked bedtime snacks as well.  That all has changed for me without changing many of the foods I eat, however, I have found myself choosing and enjoying healthier foods more often without much effort.

Outside my eating window I don’t eat, I don’t think about eating, I don’t make deals with myself, rewards are not food related.  I know the benefits of eating this way and feeling good is the BEST reward.  I stick to my time schedule as close as I can most days and my body thanks me for it.

Why this may not be for you
  1. Talk to your doctor If you have health concerns.  I would not suggest this for pregnant or nursing moms.
  2. Anyone prone to binge eating may struggle.  A diet of nutritious foods should go along with this type of fasting.  It shouldn’t feel restrictive once you allow your body to adjust.  If you are making poor food choices or eat excessively don’t continue this eating schedule.  If you want to know how I typically eat during my eating window read my Lazy Girl Diet Plan.
  3. It should not feel like “binge and starve”.  Through fasting you can come to love and appreciate your body but if you have serious body issues and you see fasting as a way to punish yourself or to make up for over eating this isn’t for you.
  4. If you finish a 16 hour fast and still feel full from all you ate the day before you are eating too much or not the right types of food for your body.

Listen to your body.  Some days a longer fast isn’t necessary.  Start slow by not fasting too long and continue to adjust until you feel in tune.   This may take time but will be worth it! Read about 9 side effects you may experience in the beginning and how i dealt with them.

The diet industry doesn’t make any money telling people to fast.  They make money off our insecurities and do a good job of it.  The best thing you can do for yourself is love yourself!

Let me know if you try this and how it goes for you!

Why I love intermittent fasting and how to make it work for you