7 Ways To Calm Down an Anxious Mind

Anxiousness! We’ve all been there at some point in our life. Some of us get anxious at public speaking while others of us can have anxiety overtake our daily life. Anxiety can prevent us from living the life we envision, whether it holds us back one day or 365 days a year. So what’s the best way to calm down when we get anxious?

In height of an anxious moment it is important to get grounded but that moment doesn’t always allow for a clear road for that. Sometimes logical thought goes out the window letting anxiety win and us feeling defeated.

Your therapist will tell you to try some breathing techniques and ground yourself in your surroundings.  I’ve put together a list here of practical tools to try.

If anxiety is holding you back try these strategies.

1. Phone a Friend

Our phones can do that. Call someone. If you are alone or even surrounded by people have someone you trust who can help you gain a better perspective on your situation. This may not seem like the easiest first choice. It can be hard to admit what you are going through.

Make the call. Talk about something completely off topic, laugh, make plans, find out what they’ve been up to. Get your mind to shift focus and ground in the here and now. Talking out loud and make that personal connection.

At the very least, get a journal to write out what’s on your mind to help release your stress. Rip it up and throw it away or save it to read it later when you are in a different state of mind.

2. Remember You’ve been Here Before

There is a reason you’re reading this post. You have been anxious in the past and you did survive it.  Remember that it won’t last forever. Think about where you’ve been on your anxiety journey and try to find patterns and learn your triggers.

Anxiety can get easier to manage when you learn to acknowledge what make be contributing to it  and redirect it before it starts. Simplify your life and weed out people, places, or situations you know you don’t need.

3. Get Outside

Being indoors all day in artificial lighting can have a negative impact on our state of being. Get outside, no matter the weather.

Get sun on your face, feel the wind, touch a tree, breathe in the air, take a walk and take it all in. Ground yourself in the outdoors daily.

4.  What Did You Eat Today?

We know we are not supposed to be eating sugar, fried foods and caffeine, but are we? Let’s be honest and say when we are anxious, a lot of times, we try medicating with all the wrong foods. In a stressful moment it seems logical to get that high from unhealthy foods, but they are just that: unhealthy.

Think about overall health and create a better mental state by feeding your body the nutrients it may be starved of.

To calm down now, grab a glass of water and some protein. Still needing something sweet? Have fruit handy. Know when you haven’t eaten enough or are mindlessly munching. Our brains and body our undoubtedly interconnected.

5.  Do 10 Jumping Jacks

Breaking your state of mind is a fast way to escape the anxious mind. You can try reasoning with yourself but sometimes there is no good answer to settle on. You could end up ruminating all day and night.

Stand up and do some jumping jacks. Getting your heart pumping and breathing with physical excursion shifts your mind and body to a different focus. This shakes up your state of mind breaking you out of the anxious state.

Another movement that is helpful is doing something creative with your hands. Try pottery, crocheting or painting. This type of creativity requires focus and attention that helps calm anxiety.

6.  Sing Your Face Off

Crank up the music! Disney? Metallica? Whatever your jam have your station ready to go. Go for a drive and shout it out. If you are home with kids they will love this. They may look at you like you’ve grown 3 heads but put a wiggle in your walk and they will gladly join in.

Even if you’re in a quiet place let your jam play in your head. The words of the song don’t necessarily need to resonate. Movement, rhythm, and good vibes are what we are after.

7.  Put One Foot In Front of The Other

Sometimes we just have to power through bad days. Sometimes life is just plain hard and there is no avoiding it. We’ve grown up watching Disney movies expecting to live happily ever after but life Just isn’t always easy going. Knowing you only have to take one step at a time can be calming.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take it one day at a time. Yesterday is over, nothing can change what happened and it can be easy to worry about what may come next considering what we know or have experienced. Forgive yourself for getting stuck and continue to keep moving forward.

During those tough times is when we grow. It may not be visible in the moment but know that you are being refined into a better version of yourself. Take the opportunity to learn and grow from every experience you walk though whether good or bad.

You Got This!

We may not always be able keep calm but continue practicing these interventions. Reading this article shows you are proactive and working. This desire to improve is all you need to get going and keep moving forward. Continue to research and you’ll find what works for you.

Related: Meditation for Anxiety, How to Quiet your Anxious Mind