Meditation for anxiety, How I Finally Quieted My Mind

If you’ve heard meditation for anxiety is supposed to be a helpful treatment but can’t begin to understand how to shut up your overactive mind, you are not alone.

Suffering from intrusive thoughts is more common than you may think. Most times these thoughts are not on the front of our mind but underlying. Waiting like a crouching lion ready to strike. You may start having an anxiety attack seemingly out of nowhere! Underneath our façade everyone has a chapter in their book they prefer to keep private.

Meditation is for you if you struggle with anxiety, it takes a little practice and trial and error but the benefits are more than worth it! This list has helped me on my journey to a quieter mind. It is a journey! Think of it as an excited trip you get to take as you gain understanding of where your heart and mind want to take you.

These steps will help you better understand what brings you joy and what brings turmoil. With small successes come big changes.

First, Practice refocusing your attention

This is where my journey towards healing began.  I got a pair of sleeping headphones like this pair on amazon.  They are soft and lay flat on your ears and can cover over your eyes to block out light.  I started sleeping with these because nights were a tough time for me. Intrusive thoughts can keep you awake all night if they don’t get stopped. Nights without sleep will only add more problems to your day. Sleep is vitally important for a healthy mental state.

Here’s the secret with the headphones. Listen to something that captivates your mind and requires all your focus and attention or a guided sleep meditation. Do NOT listen to anything like ‘How to overcome anxiety’. Why? Because in that moment you don’t need to bring any more attention to the fact that you feel you have no control over your mind. The negative and defeating thoughts can take over convincing you there is no way out, but there is.

Listen to the headphones as you are drifting off to sleep or during the day for a few moments of quiet.  What you are doing is practicing a mind shift and refocusing your attention and changing your state of being.

Listen to things that are inspiring, relaxing, funny, motivational, affirmations, or educational.

Listen to positive talks, something you want to learn, or makes you laugh.

Tony Robins is one of my favorite speakers! Check out YouTube, podcasts, Netflix he is captivating, funny, and educational.  In this moment you want to shift your mind away from the anxious thoughts and change your state.  Give yourself permission to take a break from worry and fear if for only a few moments.

Day dream

Dream about the life you want to be living if you were free from anxiety. This could be realistic or far fetched. Just use your imagination to invite good feelings in. Spend time allowing those good feelings to sit with you for as long as they will. Make a point remember what you felt. You are proving to yourself you are not controlled by anxiety 100% of the time.

Gratitude lists

While lingering in the good feelings from the daydream, write a list of things you are grateful for. It can be as simple as being thankful for indoor plumbing. There is always something to be grateful for that you can feel good about.

Think of times in your life when you are not anxious.  Think of things you can do and are good at.  Appreciate and acknowledge those things.

Happy Photo Wall

Print photos of people, places, quotes and things you love and make you feel happy. Post the pictures to your wall, literally. Put them somewhere you will see them often. Take a deep breath and smile as you appreciate your happy photos.

Seeing these positive images often will positively effect your brain and our outlook on life.  Continue to add things that make you feel good and as often as you feel you need.

Consider starting a vision board of things you envision for your life but only if seeing the images make you feel good.  Focus on bringing in all the positive feelings you can muster.

Breathing techniques

There are tons of breathing techniques that can help ease anxiety, calm your mind, and even help you fall asleep fast. My favorite goes like this: Lay down, sit in a meditative pose, or just sit in a comfortable chair. Allow you lungs to have room to fully expand.

1. With eyes closed, take a slow deep breath in for four seconds
2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds
3. Slowly release your breath for 8 seconds

This is an extremely calming technique. I use this to help me fall asleep when my anxious mind won’t allow it. I usually think, “This isn’t going to work”, then the next thing I know I’m waking up in the morning completely rested. Every. Single. Time. Try it and let me know how it works for you.

Vitamin D/ sunshine

Get outside! If you can’t get outside, get yourself a vitamin D Supplement. I take this Vitamin D3 you can find on amazon. Getting up and outside can be hard to do when you are struggling but force yourself if you have to. Take the dog for a walk or sit on a park bench. Spend some quiet time outside.

Read more about my other favorite supplements here.

Write it all out/ talk it out

Before you sit to meditate take a minute to write out anything that may be swirling around your head. This helps release some of the pressure of having to keep track of the story you’re telling yourself.

Or try online therapy like this one here. You can even have a therapist you can text when you need.

After writing it all out take the paper and rip it up and throw it out, even burn it of you think that will help.  Removing it like this helps free you of having to hold on so tight to those thoughts.

Help Someone

If your mind still wonders as you sit to meditate, and it will, Allow your thoughts to wonder towards who you know that can use your help. Thinking of and serving others is a sure way to have ease from your own worries.

  • Do you know someone who just had foot surgery? You could help them with some yard work.
  • Does a friend who just had a baby also have a busy toddler. Offer to take the toddle for a few hours so the new mom can rest.
  • Maybe you know someone who needs a listening ear. Be those ears.

Let your mind and heart guide you to being generous with your time and talents.  If this seems impossible or is the last thing you want to do, then this is for you.  Sounds strange but pushing yourself to consider and help other will help you find relief.

Start small.  Call someone who’s been on you mind and just tell them you’ve been thinking about them and ask them how they are doing.  Keep the conversion on them.

This list does not have to be accomplished all at one time. Pick something to work on and gradually it will become more natural. You will soon notice bigger breaks between anxious episodes. Work your way towards spending 20 minutes a day in meditation.

  • Let thoughts pass through as they come while focusing on slow breaths. If the thoughts won’t pass through pick a specific positive affirmation to repeat, follow a guided meditation on your headphones, or think of what you could be doing to help others.

Read here if you are struggling with anxiety or depression and are needing help talking to your loved ones about your struggle.

Continue reading here about how to tell intrusive thoughts to drop dead.

  • Happy Meditating

Related: 7 Ways To Calm Down An Anxious MindMind

Related: How I Manage anxiety without Medication

Related: How to tell intrusive thoughts to Drop Dead